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García Aretio, Lorenzo . (1997) The spanish UNED, a Technological University..  1.60 2399 194
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel y Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia . (2019) Progress in wireless technologies in hospitality and tourism.  1.49 56 37
González Boticario, Jesús . (2005) Changing technological infrastructure and services in higher education : towards a student-centred approach.  1.46 642 687
Franco Crespo, Antonio Alexander . (2013) El uso de la tecnología : determinación del tiempo que los jóvenes de entre 12 y 18 años dedican a los equipos tecnológicos = (Use of technology : determination of time that young people between 12 and 18 use technological equipment).  1.39 787 10771
Kindelán, María Paz . (2000) Communication skills in the scientific and technological sphere: some basic skills and strategies to start writing documents..  1.31 611 1000
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2012) Integración práctica de la tecnología educativa en el grado de educación social = Practice integration of educational technology in the degree of social education.  1.31 538 70
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2013) Tecnología educativa en primaria: valoraciones de los docentes = Educational Technology in Primary Education: teacher’s opinions of IC T use.  1.31 600 221
Lorente Martínez, Javier, Navío Marco, Julio y Rodrigo Moya, Beatriz . (2020) Analysis of the adoption of customer facing in-store technologies in retail SMEs.  1.27 65 106
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel y Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia . (2018) Progress in information technology and tourism management: 30 years on and 20 years after the internet -Revisiting Buhalis & Law's landmark study about eTourism.  1.27 63 56
Pérez-Luño Robledo, Enrique Cesar . (2012) Las nuevas tecnologías y la garantía procesal de las libertades = New technologies and the procedural guarantee of liberties.  1.25 498 1000
Braude, Benjamin . (1993) How significant was the Iberian Jewish contribution to technology and economic life en the Otoman Empire?.  1.25 482 758
Lafuente, Antonio y Valverde, Nuria . (2009) Making Scientific objects and setting Standards : values, technology, government and the Enlightenment.  1.25 507 462
Gestoso Pinadero, Laura and Oller Domínguez, Ana . (2001) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Information and communication technology in European education systems. Brussels: EURYDICE, 2001.  1.25 536 247
Bautista Liébana, Juan Ramón . (2002) RESEÑA de : Evans, T.; Nation, D. Changing University Teaching : reflections on creating educational technologies. Londres : Kogan Page, 2000.  1.25 454 151
Pantoja, Antonio . (2002) El modelo tecnológico de intervención psicopedagógica = The technological model of psycho-pedagogical interventions.  1.25 590 364
Abad Cardiel, Ismael, Heradio Gil, Rubén, Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos y Cerrada, José A. . (2012) A SCADA oriented middleware for RFID technology.  1.23 700 852
Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín y Benlloch, Cristina . (2017) Rights and science in the drone era actual challenges in the civil use of drone technology.  1.23 134 56
Sáez López, José Manuel and Ruiz Ruiz, José María . (2012) Metodología didáctica y tecnología educativa en el desarrollo de las competencias cognitivas: aplicación en contextos universitarios = Teaching methodology and educational technology in the development of cognitive competences: implementation in university contexts.  1.23 538 84
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2011) Valoración de la persistencia de los obstáculos relativos al uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en Educación Primaria = Assessment concerning persistence of obstacles related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies in Primary Education.  1.23 587 93
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2011) Opiniones y práctica de los docentes respecto al uso pedagógico de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación = Opinions and teaching practice regarding the use of information technology and communication.  1.23 585 405
García-Domínguez, Amabel, Claver, Juan, María Camacho, Ana y Sebastián, Miguel A. . (2020) Analysis of General and Specific Standardization Developments in Additive Manufacturing From a Materials and Technological Approach.  1.18 42 17
Harrison, Jennifer, Burns, Kristen y Ongstad, Erica . (2017) Field by any means necessary: Using technology in field education.  1.18 582 208
Sacristán Romero, Francisco . (2013) Dignidad y libre desarrollo de la personalidad en menores: daños en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías de la información = Dignity and free development of the personality in children: damage in the field of new information technologies.  1.18 678 514
Senra Silva, Inmaculada . (2022) From language teaching to language assessment With the help of technological resources: Higher Education students and oral production.  1.18 68 14
Pérez Ramos, Luis . (2011) Tecnología lítica del sitio de modo técnico 3 de la desembocadura del río Guadalmesín (Tarifa, Cádiz) y su contextualización histórica en el sur de la Península Ibérica = Mode 3 lithic technology at the mouth of the Guadalmesi River (Tarifa, Cádiz) and its historical context in the South of the Iberian Peninsula.  1.18 595 421
Carmena Yáñez, Emilia y Navarro Fernández, Javier . (2013) Evaluación del uso de tecnologías en la enseñanza universitaria a distancia de la UNED = (Evaluation of the usage of technologies at UNED distance education university).  1.18 549 763
Feldkercher, Nadiane y Saldanha Manara, Alecia . (2012) O uso das tecnologias na educação à distância pelo professor tutor = (Use of technology in distance education for teacher tutor).  1.18 516 731
Castillo Gimeno, José Luis . (2018) Congresos, seminarios, reuniones científicas y cursos de verano: Congresos sobre aerosoles: Aerosol Technology (AT2018) y Reunión Ibérica de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles (RICTA2018).  1.18 389 111
Velarde D´Amil, Yvette . (2013) La protección jurídica de las personas con discapacidad y las nuevas tecnologías = The legal protection of disabled persons and the new technologies.  1.18 538 177
Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo, Sagrario . (2010) RESEÑA de : Fresno García, Miguel del. Retos para la intervención social con familias en el siglo XXI : consumo, ocio, cultura, tecnología e hijos = Challenges for social intervention with families in the XXI century : consumption, leisure, technology.  1.18 769 314
Nascimento, Cinara Ourique do y Rodrigues, Sheyla Costa . (2014) A educação a distância como oportunidade de formação profissional e tecnológica = Distance education as an opportunity for technological and profesional vocational training.  1.18 577 168
Serino, Silvia, Cipresso, Pietro, Gaggioli, Andrea, Pallavicini, Federica, Cipresso, Sergio, Campanaro, Danilo y Riva, Giuseppe . (2014) Smartphone for self-management of psychological stress: a preliminary evaluation of positive technology app.  1.17 1147 714
Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia, Navío Marco, Julio y Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel . (2020) Environment, tourism and satellite technology: Exploring fruitful interlinkages.  1.17 53 16
Rovira, Antonio, Sánchez, Consuelo, Valdés, Manuel, Abbas, Ruben, Barbero, Rubén, Montes, María José, Muñoz, Marta, Muñoz-Antón, Javier, Ortega, Guillermo y Varela, Fernando . (2018) Comparison of Different Technologies for Integrated Solar Combined Cycles: Analysis of Concentrating Technology and Solar Integration.  1.17 52 12
Lázaro Torres, María Luisa de, Miguel González, Rafael de y Morales Yago, Francisco José . (2017) WebGIS and geospatial technologies for landscape education on personalized learning contexts.  1.17 46 14
Sáez López, José Manuel y Rodriguez Torres, Javier . (2016) Reviews of Educational Policy regarding one laptop per child: Escuela 2.0 program in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.  1.16 317 55
Feltrero Oreja, Roberto . (2006) Liberad la Cultura . Reseña del libro de Lawrence Lessig: Free.  1.14 711 206
Lorente Martínez, Javier, Navío Marco, Julio y Rodrigo Moya, Beatriz . (2022) Are retailers leveraging in-store analytics? An exploratory study.  1.14 55 55
Colmenar-Santos, Antonio, Gómez-Camazón, David, Rosales-Asensio, Enrique y Blanes-Peiró, Jorge-Juan . (2018) Technological improvements in energetic efficiency and sustainability in existing combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plants.  1.14 63 19
Fernández García, Carmen María, Hernández García, Jesús and Rodríguez Pérez, Sara . (2014) Género y preferencias profesionales en universitarios de estudios científico-tecnológicos = Gender and vocational preferences in students of scientific–technological higher education areas.  1.11 636 297
Jurado González, Javier y Gómez Barroso, José Luis . (2022) Economic complexity and Information Society paradigms: a hybrid contribution to explain economic growth.  1.11 61 34
Rodríguez Menéndez, María del Carmen, Inda Caro, María de las Mercedes and Vicente Peña Calvo, José . (2014) Rendimiento en la PAU y elección de estudios científico-tecnológicos en razón de género = Achievement the University Entrance Exam and election of scientific-technological degrees by gender.  1.11 565 215
Brunet Icart, Ignasi and Rodríguez Soler, Joan . (2013) Empresas spin-off y género: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en la creación de empresas de base tecnológica = Spin-off and gender: differences between men and women in the creation of technology-based companies.  1.11 616 282
Montes, M.J., Stojceska, V., Reay, D. y Ibarra, M. . (2023) Proposal of a microchannel receiver for Fresnel technology to supply solar heat for industrial processes.  1.09 38  
Montes, M.J., Abbas, Rubén, Barbero, Rubén y Rovira, Antonio . (2022) A new design of multi-tube receiver for Fresnel technology to increase the thermal performance.  1.09 44  
Orlando, Samantha, Gaudioso, Elena y de la Paz López, Félix . (2023) Toward Embedding Robotics in Learning Environments With Support to Teachers: The IDEE Experience.  1.09 53 17
Prado Guerrero, Carlos Alberto, Romero Corella, Sandra Irene and Ramírez Montoya, María Soledad . (2009) Relaciones entre los estándares tecnológicos y apropiación tecnológica.  1.08 616 406
Farfán Sossa, Sulma, Medina Rivilla, Antonio y Cacheiro González, María Luz . (2015) Digital inclusion in education in Tarija, Plurinational State of Bolivia.  1.08 656 457
Tenorio Trigoso, Alonso, Castillo Cara, Manuel, Mondragón Ruiz, Giovanny, Carrión, Carmen y Caminero, Blanca . (2021) An Analysis of Computational Resources of Event-Driven Streaming Data Flow for Internet of Things: A Case Study.  1.08 31 27
Aranda Almansa, Joaquín, Díaz Martínez, José Manuel y Muñoz Mansilla, Rocío . (2002) Comparison of the vertical dynamic models of a fast ferry with actuators and without actuators.  1.06 663 477

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