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Coderch, Marion (2022). Gender-Sensitive Mentoring of Modern Languages’ Women Teachers in UK Higher Education. En Gender-Sensitive Mentoring of Modern Languages’ Women Teachers in UK Higher Education (pp. -) Oxford Brookes University.  1.05 35 10
Chacón Beltrán, Rubén (2021). Attitudes Toward English as a Lingua Franca Among Prospective EFL Teachers in Spain. En Attitudes Toward English as a Lingua Franca Among Prospective EFL Teachers in Spain (pp. -) Springer Singapore.  1.05 76  
Imre Balogh(2001) .Teacher training for ict using old methods. .En: . ()  1.02 547 217
Patricia Nelson(2002) .Training teachers for the Twenty-first century: the Chilean Institute for Technlogy Enhanced teaching and learning. .En: . ()  1.02 589 214
Padilla Carmona, M. Teresa and Apellidos, Nombre . (2009) Barreras en el acceso a la dirección escolar: diferencias entre profesoras y directoras de centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria = Barriers in the access to school management: differences between teachers and head-teachers from early childhood and elemtary education schools.  1.01 412 197
Coderch, Marion . (2021) An initial assessment of the academic and professional profile of modern foreign languages’ teachers in UK higher education.  1.00 42 13
Orlando, Samantha, Gaudioso, Elena y de la Paz López, Félix . (2023) Toward Embedding Robotics in Learning Environments With Support to Teachers: The IDEE Experience.  0.90 52 17
Orlando, Samantha, Gaudioso, Elena y de la Paz López, Félix . (2020) Supporting Teachers to Monitor Student’s Learning Progress in an Educational Environment With Robotics Activities.  0.90 43 12
Níkleva, Dimitrinka G. y Rico-Martín, Ana M. . (2017) Attitudes and cultural stereotypes of future teachers towards immigrant students in Spain.  0.86 617 234
Álvarez Rojo, Víctor . (2009) Perfiles y competencias docentes requeridos en el contexto actual de la educación universitaria = University education at present times : teachers’ profiles and teaching competencies required.  0.85 450 151
Tresgallo Saiz, Emilio . (2008) Violencia escolar (“Bullying”) : documento para padres y educadores = “Bullying” : a document for parents and teachers.  0.85 5215 281
Sánchez Carreño, María . (2002) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Key topics in education, volume III: the teaching profession in Europe; Profile, trends and concerns. Report 2: teacher supply and demand at general lower secondary level, (en versión electrónica), 2002.  0.85 427 107
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2013) Tecnología educativa en primaria: valoraciones de los docentes = Educational Technology in Primary Education: teacher’s opinions of IC T use.  0.85 598 220
Oomen, Annemarie . (2004) Career teachers and quality standards: an interactive approach = Profesores de educación para la carrera (en Secundaria) y estándares de calidad: un enfoque interactivo.  0.85 435 167
Redondo Duarte, Sara . (2007) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Quality Assurance in Teacher Education in Europe. Bruselas : Unidad Europea de Eurydice, 2006..  0.85 473 96
San Martín Vadillo, Ricardo . (1999) Research on the good language teacher..  0.85 702 6537
Petricone Chiarilli, Francesco . (2006) Evaluación del grado de autoritarismo y rigidez en el estilo educativo del docente = Evaluation of authoritarianism and inflexibility in educational style of teacher..  0.85 487 218
Gamazo, Adriana . (2013) RESEÑA de : EURYDICE. Key Data on Teachers and School Leaders in Europe : 2013 Edition. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013.  0.85 456 471
Stevens, Barbara . (1999) The negociationss of meaning in the language classroom : reflections of a language teacher..  0.85 527 3910
Matriano, Estela C. . (2000) The impact of global changes on teacher education: challenges and opportunities and a vision for a culture of peace..  0.85 568 1637
Higueras Castañeda, Eduardo, Sánchez, Raquel (ed) y Martínez-Vilches, David (ed) (2021). Education in the public sphere: the construction of the reputation of primary teachers in mid-19th century Spain. En Education in the public sphere: the construction of the reputation of primary teachers in mid-19th century Spain (pp. -) Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021.  0.83 54  
Gil-Jaurena, Inés y Domínguez-Figaredo, Daniel . (2018) Teachers’ roles in light of massive open online courses (MOOCs): Evolution and challenges in higher distance education.  0.83 77 41
Sáez López, José Manuel y Rodriguez Torres, Javier . (2016) Reviews of Educational Policy regarding one laptop per child: Escuela 2.0 program in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.  0.83 316 54
Messias Machado, Alessandra, Regina Guedes, Patrícia Sagioro y Kitty Shaliks . (2001) The creation of an interactive environment, available in the Internet as a pedagogic tool for the learning of teachers and students.  0.77 466 212
Murua Anzola, Iñaki, Cacheiro González, María Luz and Gallego Gil, Domingo J. . (2014) Las cibercomunidades de aprendizaje (cCA) en la formación del profesorado = Learning Cybercommunities in Teacher Training.  0.77 720 123
Garcia, Paulo Sérgio, Bizzo, Nelio y Fazio, Xavier . (2014) Desafios da formação contínua a distância para professores de ciências = Challenges faced by science teachers in continuing and distance education.  0.77 483 73
Monroy, Fuensanta, Hernández Pina, Fuensanta and Martínez Clares, Pilar . (2014) Enfoques de enseñanza de estudiantes en formación pedagógica: un estudio exploratorio = Approaches to teaching of trainee teachers: an exploratory analysis.  0.77 514 71
Figeiredo, María and Álvarez Rojo, Víctor . (2008) A satisfação com a profissão em professores do Ensino Secundário em Portugal = Satisfacción con la profesión de profesor de Enseñanza Secundaria en Portugal = Job satisfaction among portuguese Secondary Teachers.  0.77 535 84
Reis, Sandra Regina y Battini, Okçana . (2014) Reflexões sobre aspectos da formação de professores a distancia = Reflections about certain aspects of distance learning teacher training.  0.77 451 55
González Peiteado, Margarita and Pino Juste, Margarita . (2014) Aproximación a las representaciones y creencias del alumnado de magisterio sobre los estilos de enseñanza = Approach to representations and beliefs of students of the teacher training degree in relation to teaching styles.  0.77 576 105
Feldkercher, Nadiane y Saldanha Manara, Alecia . (2012) O uso das tecnologias na educação à distância pelo professor tutor = (Use of technology in distance education for teacher tutor).  0.77 513 731
Serrano Sobrino, Macarena and Pérez Carbonell, Mª de los Desamparados . (2011) Formación del profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria sobre el Bullying = Teachers training about Bullying at Secondary Education.  0.77 566 3354
Ramírez Carpeño, Eva and Mekochi, Yoko . (2015) Initial teacher education in Japan and Spain. A comparative study.  0.77 679 580
Childs, Ann and Mender, Ian . (2013) La formación del profesorado del siglo XXI en Inglaterra : un estudio de caso desde la política liberal neoliberal.  0.77 510 738
Núñez del Río, Mª Cristina and Fontana Abad, Mónica . (2009) Competencia socioemocional en el aula : características del profesor que favorecen la motivación por el aprendizaje en alumnos de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria = Social and emotional competencies in the classroom : teacher characteristics that foster motivation for learning in ESO students.  0.77 897 5846
Monereo, Carles and Domínguez, Carola . (2014) La identidad docente de los profesores universitarios competentes = The teaching identity of competent university teachers.  0.77 575 112
Alutu, Azuka N. G. and Ifedili, Chika J. . (2006) Information processing by the school child: Implications for Teachers and Counsellors = Patrones del procesamiento de la información en la edad escolar: implicaciones para profesorado y orientadores..  0.77 420 181
Carvalho, Marisa and Taveira, Maria do Céu . (2014) El papel del profesorado en la toma de decisiones académico y profesionales del alumnado = Teacher role on students’ academic and vocational decisions making.  0.77 568 484
Badia, Antoni and Gómez, Francisco . (2014) Condiciones del contexto instruccional que afectan el diseño de la enseñanza del profesor universitario = Educational context conditions affecting the teaching design of university teacher.  0.77 608 137
Brust Hackmayer, Michelle y Bohadana, Estrella . (2014) Professor ou tutor : uma linha tênue na docência em EAD = Teacher or tutor : a tenuous line in distance learning teaching.  0.77 463 79
Sanjuán Roca, Mª Del Mar . (2011) La visión del profesorado de Galicia sobre la función orientadora del módulo de FOL = Teachers’ perspective on the role of guidance in the FOL module (Vocational Training and Guidance) in Galicia (Spain).  0.76 539 283
Ramírez García, Antonia . (2014) La evaluación del alumnado normalista cordobés en el primer tercio del siglo XX: investigación basada en una metodología cuantitativa = The evaluation of the teacher training schools students’ of Cordoba in the first third of the XXth century: resea.  0.76 510 78
Ramírez García, Antonia . (2011) Conocimiento de las competencias básicas y valoración del profesorado de educación primaria de la orientación recibida sobre las mismas = Knowledge of the basic competences and evaluation of the teachers of primary education of the counseling recei.  0.76 544 138
Cabero Almenara, Julio . (2014) Formación del profesorado universitario en TIC : aplicación del método Delphi para la selección de los contenidos formativos = University teacher training in ICT : application of Delphi method for the selection of training content.  0.76 2187 2922
Sanz Oro, Rafael . (2010) El profesor como tutor: un reto a consolidar en el ejercicio profesional de la orientación = The teacher as tutor: a challenge for consolidation in the professional practice of gui­dance..  0.76 582 317
Suriá Martínez, Raquel . (2012) Discapacidad e integración educativa: qué opina el profesorado sobre la inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad en sus clases = Disability and inclusive education: what do the teachers thing about the inclusion of students with disabilities.  0.76 741 794
Senra Silva, Inmaculada . (2021) A Study on CLIL Secondary School Teachers in Spain: Views, Concerns and Needs.  0.76 105 49
Reyero, David . (2014) La excelencia docente universitaria : análisis y propuestas para una mejor evaluación del profesorado universitario = Teaching excellence at the university : analysis and proposals for better evaluation of university teacher.  0.76 512 162
Castro Correa, Ainoa . (2014) Paleografía Latina: recursos para docentes y estudiantes o sobre cómo no perderse en la Red = Latin Palaeography: Resources for teachers and students or about how not to get lost on the Internet.  0.76 627 584
San Martín, Sonia, Santamaría, Marcos, Hoyuelos, Francisco Javier, Ibáñez, Jaime and Jerónimo, Estefanía . (2014) Variables definitorias del perfil del profesor/a universitario/a ideal desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes pre-universitarios/as = Defining variables of the ideal university teacher’s profile from the perspective of pre-university students.  0.68 532 114

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