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Matas, Yolanda, Hernández-Del-Olmo, Félix, Gaudioso, Elena y Santos, Carlos . (2019) An Adaptive, Comprehensive Application to Support Home-Based Visual Training for Children With Low Vision.  1.16 48 14
Castro-Martínez, Ana M.(2020) .Training proposal: Sustainable development goals for students in prisons (Póster).. .En: . ()  1.16 331 154
Richard H. Vranesh(2001) .Guidelines for Evaluating The Use of Commercially Available Web-Based Training. .En: . ()  1.13 525 216
Patricia Nelson(2002) .Training teachers for the Twenty-first century: the Chilean Institute for Technlogy Enhanced teaching and learning. .En: . ()  1.13 587 210
Juan Casimiro(2003) .Training and teaching entrepreneurial excellence!. .En: . ()  1.13 469 240
Imre Balogh(2001) .Teacher training for ict using old methods. .En: . ()  1.13 544 215
Richard H. Vranesh(2003) .Establishing Conditions for Learning from Online Training Curricula. .En: . ()  1.13 592 224
Mikel Vergara Ede(2001) .VINCITEC, Virtual Training Centre para la Formación empresarial y profesional. .En: . ()  1.13 588 456
(2003) .E-learning & distributive training are great but is there a downside?. .En: . ()  1.13 447 185
Cabero Almenara, Julio . (2014) Formación del profesorado universitario en TIC : aplicación del método Delphi para la selección de los contenidos formativos = University teacher training in ICT : application of Delphi method for the selection of training content.  1.08 2185 2921
San Luis, Concepción, López de la Llave, Andrés and Pérez-Llantada, María Carmen . (2013) Training to improve selective attention in children using neurofeedback through play.  1.02 998 580
González Rabanal, Miryam de la Concepción() .Virtual service-learning: a tool to improve students' skills training and employability. .En: Sevilla, España. ()  1.01 43  
Richard H. Vranesh(2004) .Guidelines for Writing more exact specifications for Acquisition of E-learning training programs for advanced cognitive skills. .En: . ()  0.98 467 98
Jaime García Sánchez, José Ricardo Aguilera Terrats y Castillo Rosas, Adriana(2007) .El E-training en México: un primer acercamiento. .En: . ()  0.98 606 17941
González-Blanco García, Elena(2016) .Experiences and perspectives from Spanish DH community: the Digital Humanities Innovation Lab at UNED (LINHD): innovation, research, training and future challenges. .En: Varsovia (Polonia). ()  0.98 574 106
Sánchez Moreno, José, Vargas Oyarzún, Héctor y Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián . (2007) Web-based Learning Resources for Vocational Training on Control and Measurement Systems: The AutoTECH Project.  0.98 539 297
Romero Barriuso, A., Villena Escribano, B. María, Segarra Cañamares, M., González García, María de las Nieves y Rodríguez Sáiz, A. . (2018) Analysis and diagnosis of risk-prevention training actions in the Spanish construction sector.  0.96 59 19
Pessoa, Teressa, Matos, Amanda and Amado, João . (2011) Cyberbullying : do diagnóstico de necesidades à construçao de um manual de formaçao.  0.95 575 349
Martínez Mesones, Noelia . (2002) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Key topics in education, volume III: the teaching profession in Europe; Profile, trends and concerns. Report 1: Initial training and transition to working life in general lower and secondary education. Bruselas: EURYDICE, 2002.  0.94 408 113
García Ruiz, María José . (1999) RESEÑA de: Green, A.; Wolf, A. y Leney, T. Convergence and Divergence in European Education and Training Systems. London: Institute of Education, 1999.  0.94 435 97
Sanz López, Clara . (2010) La orientación profesional en los sistemas de formación profesional = Career guidance in professional training systems.  0.94 499 318
Sobrado, Luis . (2002) La formación en orientación profesional de los jóvenes europeos = The training on vocational guidance of european young people.  0.94 440 240
Muñoz-Repiso Izaguirre, Mercedes . (2007) RESEÑA de: PÉPIN, L. The history of European cooperation in education and training : Europe in the making : an example. Bruselas: Comunidades Europeas, 2006..  0.94 413 82
Rieker, Jennifer Angelika. The effects of bilingualism and multidomain training on cognitive processes in older adults . 2022. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Psicología de la Salud  0.94 180 52
Molina Martín, Susana . (2008) Influencia del contexto sobre el conocimiento de la formación profesional de los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria = Context influence on the vocational training knowledge of secondary school pupils.  0.94 476 193
Murua Anzola, Iñaki, Cacheiro González, María Luz and Gallego Gil, Domingo J. . (2014) Las cibercomunidades de aprendizaje (cCA) en la formación del profesorado = Learning Cybercommunities in Teacher Training.  0.90 719 120
Ruíz Márquez, Eloísa. Video-game training effects on attention and memory in young and older adults. Behavioral results . 2019. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Psicología de la Salud  0.88 854 953
García Madruga, Juan Antonio, Elosúa, María Rosa, Contreras Felipe, Antonio y et al. . (2013) Reading Comprehension and Working Memory's Executive Processes: An Intervention Study in Primary School Children.  0.86 46 171
Romero Barriuso, A., Villena Escribano, B. María y Rodríguez Sáiz, A. . (2021) The importance of preventive training actions for the reduction of workplace accidents within the Spanish construction sector.  0.86 52 17
Polo Sánchez, Mª Tamara and López Justicia, Mª Dolores . (2011) Transición al mundo laboral de estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad : experiencia de un programa formativo = Disabled students transition from university to workplace : the experience of a training program.  0.86 542 266
Reis, Sandra Regina y Battini, Okçana . (2014) Reflexões sobre aspectos da formação de professores a distancia = Reflections about certain aspects of distance learning teacher training.  0.86 451 55
Ramírez García, Antonia . (2014) La evaluación del alumnado normalista cordobés en el primer tercio del siglo XX: investigación basada en una metodología cuantitativa = The evaluation of the teacher training schools students’ of Cordoba in the first third of the XXth century: resea.  0.86 510 78
Martínez Ponce, Teresa and Ruiz Correcher, Julia . (2010) Servicios avanzados de telecomunicaciones aplicados a la orientación de jóvenes sin formación ni experiencia laboral = Advanced telecommunications services applied to the guidance of young people without training and work experience.  0.86 489 255
Ruiz Carrascosa, Juan . (2010) La inserción laboral de los titulados de la UNED. Formación continua y vías de acceso al empleo = Labour insertion ot UNED graduates. Continuous training and ways to access employment.  0.86 515 324
Buendía Eisman, Leonor, Expósito López, Jorge and Sánchez Martín, Micaela . (2012) La formación profesional para el empleo. Propuestas para el desarrollo local = Vocational training for employment. Proposals for local development.  0.86 494 393
Lozano Martínez, Fernando Gustavo y Tamez Vargas, Laura Adriana . (2014) Retroalimentación formativa para estudiantes de educación a distancia = Training feedback for online students.  0.86 2825 4744
Moreno-Mora, David and García-Martínez, Jesús . (2013) Estudio preliminar sobre el uso de escenas de películas como herramienta en la formación de terapeutas = Preliminary study on the use of movie scenes as a tool in the training of therapists.  0.86 525 220
Ruiz Carrascosa, Juan and Molero, David . (2002) La inserción sociolaboral de los titulados universitarios y su relación con la formación continua = Labour insertion of university graduates and relationship to continuing training.  0.86 474 74
Olmos Rueda, Patricia and Mas Torelló, Oscar . (2013) Jóvenes, fracaso escolar y programas de segunda oportunidad = Youth, academic failure and second chance training programmes.  0.86 499 822
González Peiteado, Margarita and Pino Juste, Margarita . (2014) Aproximación a las representaciones y creencias del alumnado de magisterio sobre los estilos de enseñanza = Approach to representations and beliefs of students of the teacher training degree in relation to teaching styles.  0.86 575 104
Nascimento, Cinara Ourique do y Rodrigues, Sheyla Costa . (2014) A educação a distância como oportunidade de formação profissional e tecnológica = Distance education as an opportunity for technological and profesional vocational training.  0.86 574 167
Sanjuán Roca, Mª Del Mar . (2011) La visión del profesorado de Galicia sobre la función orientadora del módulo de FOL = Teachers’ perspective on the role of guidance in the FOL module (Vocational Training and Guidance) in Galicia (Spain).  0.86 537 282
Serrano Sobrino, Macarena and Pérez Carbonell, Mª de los Desamparados . (2011) Formación del profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria sobre el Bullying = Teachers training about Bullying at Secondary Education.  0.86 565 3354
Castro Belmonte, Montserrat and Vilà Suñé, Montserrat . (2014) Los planes de transición al trabajo: una opción formativa inclusiva para personas con discapacidad = The transition to working life plans. An inclusive training way for people with disabilities..  0.86 540 191
Paul, Jean-Jacques . (2006) At the centre of The Bologna process: do European Universities train their students to face knowledge-based societies?.  0.86 841 189
Ordóñez Sierra, Rosario . (2008) Evaluación de los intereses participativos y necesidades formativas de profesores y padres en los centros escolares de Educación Primaria = Evaluation of participating interests and training necessities of professors and parents in the scholastic center of Primary Education.  0.86 486 147
Zhu, Zhiyong and Xiang, Si . (2014) Why won’t talents return home? : a case study of contract breach by graduates of the Program of Training High-Caliber Backbone Personnel from the Ethnic Minorities = ¿Por qué el talento no vuelve a casa? : un estudio de caso sobre la brecha contractua.  0.85 499 88
Bustos Gisbert Rafael y Pastrana, Eva . (2018) «Good training for good judgments». El programa HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) de formación en derechos humanos del Consejo de Europa.  0.85 562 223
Díaz-Rodríguez, Lucía, Cuevas-Yust, Carlos and Izquierdo-García, José M. . (2011) Técnica de entrenamiento en atención para el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia = The attention training technique for the treatment of schizophrenia.  0.85 585 297
Marta-Lazo, Carmen, Osuna-Acedo, Sara y Gil-Quintana, Javier . (2019) sMOOC: a pedagogical model for social inclusion.  0.82 474 117

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