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, 2007 --- Victorino Sanz Prat (PhD Student) ---  1.09 676  
, 2007 --- Miguel Ángel Rubio González (PhD Student) ---  1.09 909  
Navío Marco, Julio y Solórzano García, Marta . (2021) Student´s social e-reputation (“karma”) as motivational factor in MOOC learning.  1.02 43 14
Dictino Chaos García, 2007 --- Dictino Chaos (PhD Student) ---  0.93 893 5
González Boticario, Jesús . (2005) Changing technological infrastructure and services in higher education : towards a student-centred approach.  0.93 639 684
Ávila, V. and Rocabert, E. . (2001) Características vocacionales de estudiantes universitarios ciegos y deficientes visuales : una aproximación cualitativa = Vocational characteristics of university blind students and students with visual impairment : a qualitative approach.  0.93 530 224
González Rabanal, Miryam de la Concepción() .Virtual service-learning: a tool to improve students' skills training and employability. .En: Sevilla, España. ()  0.93 43  
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2013) Reviews and Practice of College Students Regarding Access to Scientific Knowledge: a case study in two spanish universities.  0.88 477 63
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel, Arguedas Sanz, Raquel y López Martín, Carmen . (2022) The student as a prosumer of educational audio-visual resources: a higher education hybrid learning experience.  0.83 54 11
Sáez López, José Manuel, Ruiz Ruiz, Jose María y Cacheiro González, Maria-Luz . (2013) Reviews and Practice of College Students Regarding Access to Scientific Knowledge: A Case Study in Two Spanish Universities.  0.83 624 175
Domínguez-Figaredo, Daniel, Gil-Jaurena, Inés y Morentin-Encina, Javier . (2022) The Impact of Rapid Adoption of Online Assessment on Students’ Performance and Perceptions: Evidence from a Distance Learning University.  0.83 92 9
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz-Gómez, Luis L., Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel y López-Martín, Carmen . (2022) The student as a prosumer of educational audio–visual resources: a higher education hybrid learning experience.  0.83 75 62
Martín García, Rodrigo, López Martín, Carmen y Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel . (2020) Collaborative Learning Communities for Sustainable Employment through Visual Tools.  0.83 85 22
Manzanares, Asunción, Ulla, Sara and Galván, María José . (2002) La inserción profesional de los licenciados en psicopedagogía de la universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: exploración del perfil del alumnado = Entry into the labour market of psychopedagogy graduate students of the university of Castilla-La Mancha: analysis of the student's profile.  0.82 381 242
Orlando, Samantha, Gaudioso, Elena y de la Paz López, Félix . (2023) Toward Embedding Robotics in Learning Environments With Support to Teachers: The IDEE Experience.  0.80 50 15
Orlando, Samantha, Gaudioso, Elena y de la Paz López, Félix . (2020) Supporting Teachers to Monitor Student’s Learning Progress in an Educational Environment With Robotics Activities.  0.80 40 10
Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, Ángeles, González Brignardello, Marcela Paz y Santamaría Lancho, Miguel(2009) .The Benefits of the use of induction virtual communities in supporting new students in distance education universities. .En: . ()  0.79 743 343
Senra Silva, Inmaculada . (2022) From language teaching to language assessment With the help of technological resources: Higher Education students and oral production.  0.79 64 12
Monroy, Fuensanta and Hernández Pina, Fuensanta . (2014) Factores que influyen en los enfoques de aprendizaje universitario : una revisión sistemática = Factors affecting student approaches to learning : a systematic review.  0.79 586 242
Ruiz Carrascosa, Juan . (2005) La valoración de la docencia universitaria en función del sexo y del centro de los estudiantes encuestados = Appraisal of university teaching according to the sex and institution of students surveyed.  0.78 433 187
Mariana Fernández, Mª Luisa . (2008) Aportaciones de la Psicopedagogía ante las situaciones de riesgo social en la escuela = Educational Psychology contribution to social risk students.  0.78 389 124
Martínez Cano, Amparo . (2007) El incremento del autoconocimiento y la toma de decisiones en alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria, de Cuenca = The increase of self-knowledge and decision-taking in students of compulsory secondary education in Cuenca.  0.78 480 554
García, Alicia . (2014) La atención educativa al alumnado de educación especial en Europa = Educational attention for students with intelectual disability in Europe.  0.78 611 489
Jones, Alice (2014). Me do it tomorrow: proposed methods for preventing common writing errors made by Spanish Elementary School students,Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas.  0.78 860 377
Vieira, Maria J and Vidal, Javier . (2006) Tendencias de la Educación Superior Europea e implicaciones para la orientacion umversitaria = Trends in European Higher Education and implications for student support and guidance..  0.78 428 420
Sánchez, J. Inmaculada . (2003) Construcción de un sistema de valoración psicoeducativa para anees sordociegos = Configuration of an assessment system to apply on deaf-blind special needs students.  0.78 491 296
Martínez, J. Reynaldo and Galán, Ferrán . (2000) Estrategias de aprendizaje, motivación y rendimiento académico en alumnos universitarios = Undergraduate students’ learning strategies, motivation and academic performance.  0.78 10293 5539
Castro-Martínez, Ana M.(2020) .Training proposal: Sustainable development goals for students in prisons (Póster).. .En: . ()  0.78 331 154
Sáinz Ibañez, Mila . (2002) RESEÑA de : Schwitzer, A.M.; Ancis, J.R.; Brown, N. Promoting student learning andstudent development at a distance. Lanham, MD : American College Personnel Association, 2001.  0.78 422 65
Luque Parra, Diego Jesús and Rodríguez Infante, Gemma . (2008) Alumnado universitario con discapacidad : elementos para la reflexión psicopedagógica = University student with disability: elements for the psychopedagogy reflection.  0.78 495 170
Popescu, Cristina (2020). The Benefits of Audiobooks for ESL Students,Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas.  0.78 1606 1289
Hernández Franco, Vicente . (2004) Evaluación de los intereses básicos académico profesionales de los estudiantes de secundaria = Evaluation of the basic interests academic and professional in the secondary students.  0.78 395 695
Alonso Martín, Pilar . (2008) La percepción del clima del aula después de un cambio en la evaluación en el alumnado de psicopedagogía = Perception of the classroom climate after a change in the evaluation of psichopedagogy students.  0.78 531 126
Franquet Bernis, Josep Maria . () How many students were examined?.  0.78 388 36
Tobarra, Llanos, Robles-Gómez, Antonio, Pastor, Rafael, Hernández, Roberto, Duque, Andrés y Cano, Jesús . (2020) Students’ Acceptance and Tracking of a New Container-Based Virtual Laboratory.  0.76 53 13
Tenório, André, Loos, Tania y Tenório, Thaís . (2017) Perceptions of tutors and students on affectivity and conflict mediation in an elearning course for the Brazilian police.  0.76 675 89
Imbernón Cuadrado, L.E., Manjarrés Riesco, Á. y de la Paz López, Félix . (2023) Using LSTM to Identify Help Needs in Primary School Scratch Students.  0.76 42 15
Alonso Tajuelo, Lorena y Kohen, Raquel C. . (2022) Students’ Conceptions of Work and the Understanding of the Economic Value of Labor: A Developmental Study of Unemployment and Job Precarity in Times of an Economic Crisis.  0.71 526 90
Sorrel, Miguel A., Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel y Arconada, María . (2023) It Must have been Burnout: Prevalence and Related Factors among Spanish PhD Students.  0.71 37 35
Leví Orta, Genoveva del Carmen, Sevillano García, Luisa  y Vázquez Cano, Esteban . (2020) An evaluation of university students' latent and self-perceived digital competence in the use of mobile devices.  0.71 59  
Molero López-Barajas, David and Reina-Estévez, Adela . (2012) Competencias socioemocionales y actitud para la empleabilidad en desempleadas universitarias = Socioemotional competences and attitude for the employability of unemployed female university students.  0.71 531 416
Polo Sánchez, Mª Tamara and López Justicia, Mª Dolores . (2011) Transición al mundo laboral de estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad : experiencia de un programa formativo = Disabled students transition from university to workplace : the experience of a training program.  0.71 542 266
Moncada Mora, Luis Fabian . (2014) La integración académica de los estudiantes universitarios como factor determinante del abandono de corto plazo : un análisis en el sistema de educación superior a distancia del Ecuador = Academic integration of university students as a determining fa.  0.71 457 520
Momoh, S. O. and Longe, Aigbomian, B.O. . (2008) Students’ perceptions of the prevalence, forms and causes of child abuse in Edo State, Nigerian = Percepción de los estudiantes acerca de la prevalencia, formas y causas de abuso a menores en Edo, Nigeria.  0.71 448 90
Andrés Sáenz de Santa María, Paz . (2015) Movilidad de estudiantes y ciudadanía de la Unión : un análisis a través de la jurisprudencia del TJUE = Student mobility and Union : a analysis through the case law of the ECJ.  0.71 483 120
Ramírez García, Antonia . (2014) La evaluación del alumnado normalista cordobés en el primer tercio del siglo XX: investigación basada en una metodología cuantitativa = The evaluation of the teacher training schools students’ of Cordoba in the first third of the XXth century: resea.  0.71 510 78
Fernández-Sierra, Juan and Santos-Bocero, Gerardo L. . (2014) Orientar las Transiciones del alumnado inmigrante: más que un reto multiprofesional = Guiding immigrant students through educational transitions: far more than a multidisciplinary challenge.  0.71 530 292
Carvalho, Marisa and Taveira, Maria do Céu . (2014) El papel del profesorado en la toma de decisiones académico y profesionales del alumnado = Teacher role on students’ academic and vocational decisions making.  0.71 568 483
Jiménez Fernández, Carmen and García Perales, Ramón . (2013) Los alumnos más capaces en España : normativa e incidencia en el diagnóstico y la educación = The most capable students in Spain : normative and incidence in diagnosis and education.  0.71 654 289
Feliz Murias, Tiberio and Ricoy Lorenzo, Mª Carmen . (2004) Aproximación a la integración del alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales en la universidad = An approach to the integration of students with special educational needs in the university.  0.71 474 201

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