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García Aretio, Lorenzo . (1997) The spanish UNED, a Technological University..  1.11 2396 192
Lord, S.() .Learning in the 21st century: Technology-enhaced learning and european research. .En: . ()  1.06 464 291
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel y Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia . (2019) Progress in wireless technologies in hospitality and tourism.  1.05 54 37
Jorge Olmos Arrayales(2003) .Encouraging entrepreneurial abilities through technology-based curriculum. .En: . ()  0.95 467 150
González Boticario, Jesús . (2005) Changing technological infrastructure and services in higher education : towards a student-centred approach.  0.95 640 687
Franco Crespo, Antonio Alexander . (2013) El uso de la tecnología : determinación del tiempo que los jóvenes de entre 12 y 18 años dedican a los equipos tecnológicos = (Use of technology : determination of time that young people between 12 and 18 use technological equipment).  0.95 783 10768
Aranda Almansa, Joaquín, Non Linear Dynamic Inversion Technique. GROUP FOR AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY IN EUROPE, 2007 ()  0.81 1194 490
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel y Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia . (2018) Progress in information technology and tourism management: 30 years on and 20 years after the internet -Revisiting Buhalis & Law's landmark study about eTourism.  0.81 59 55
Lorente Martínez, Javier, Navío Marco, Julio y Rodrigo Moya, Beatriz . (2020) Analysis of the adoption of customer facing in-store technologies in retail SMEs.  0.81 62 102
Braude, Benjamin . (1993) How significant was the Iberian Jewish contribution to technology and economic life en the Otoman Empire?.  0.80 479 758
Gestoso Pinadero, Laura and Oller Domínguez, Ana . (2001) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Information and communication technology in European education systems. Brussels: EURYDICE, 2001.  0.80 532 246
Bautista Liébana, Juan Ramón . (2002) RESEÑA de : Evans, T.; Nation, D. Changing University Teaching : reflections on creating educational technologies. Londres : Kogan Page, 2000.  0.80 452 151
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2012) Integración práctica de la tecnología educativa en el grado de educación social = Practice integration of educational technology in the degree of social education.  0.80 534 69
Pérez-Luño Robledo, Enrique Cesar . (2012) Las nuevas tecnologías y la garantía procesal de las libertades = New technologies and the procedural guarantee of liberties.  0.80 495 998
Pantoja, Antonio . (2002) El modelo tecnológico de intervención psicopedagógica = The technological model of psycho-pedagogical interventions.  0.80 585 361
Lafuente, Antonio y Valverde, Nuria . (2009) Making Scientific objects and setting Standards : values, technology, government and the Enlightenment.  0.80 504 462
Kindelán, María Paz . (2000) Communication skills in the scientific and technological sphere: some basic skills and strategies to start writing documents..  0.80 609 998
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2013) Tecnología educativa en primaria: valoraciones de los docentes = Educational Technology in Primary Education: teacher’s opinions of IC T use.  0.80 598 220
García, David, Tobarra, Llanos, Robles-Gómez, Antonio y Pastor-Vargas, Rafael(2022) .Forensic Technologies to Automate the Acquisition of Digital Evidences. .En: . ()  0.78 47 38
Abad Cardiel, Ismael, Heradio Gil, Rubén, Cerrada Somolinos, Carlos y Cerrada, José A. . (2012) A SCADA oriented middleware for RFID technology.  0.78 698 852
Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín y Benlloch, Cristina . (2017) Rights and science in the drone era actual challenges in the civil use of drone technology.  0.78 132 56
García-Domínguez, Amabel, Claver, Juan, María Camacho, Ana y Sebastián, Miguel A. . (2020) Analysis of General and Specific Standardization Developments in Additive Manufacturing From a Materials and Technological Approach.  0.72 39 16
Castillo Gimeno, José Luis . (2018) Congresos, seminarios, reuniones científicas y cursos de verano: Congresos sobre aerosoles: Aerosol Technology (AT2018) y Reunión Ibérica de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles (RICTA2018).  0.72 384 109
Senra Silva, Inmaculada . (2022) From language teaching to language assessment With the help of technological resources: Higher Education students and oral production.  0.72 64 12
Nascimento, Cinara Ourique do y Rodrigues, Sheyla Costa . (2014) A educação a distância como oportunidade de formação profissional e tecnológica = Distance education as an opportunity for technological and profesional vocational training.  0.72 574 167
Sáez López, José Manuel and Ruiz Ruiz, José María . (2012) Metodología didáctica y tecnología educativa en el desarrollo de las competencias cognitivas: aplicación en contextos universitarios = Teaching methodology and educational technology in the development of cognitive competences: implementation in university contexts.  0.72 534 83
Carmena Yáñez, Emilia y Navarro Fernández, Javier . (2013) Evaluación del uso de tecnologías en la enseñanza universitaria a distancia de la UNED = (Evaluation of the usage of technologies at UNED distance education university).  0.72 545 762
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2011) Valoración de la persistencia de los obstáculos relativos al uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en Educación Primaria = Assessment concerning persistence of obstacles related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies in Primary Education.  0.72 583 91
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2011) Opiniones y práctica de los docentes respecto al uso pedagógico de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación = Opinions and teaching practice regarding the use of information technology and communication.  0.72 583 404
Sacristán Romero, Francisco . (2013) Dignidad y libre desarrollo de la personalidad en menores: daños en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías de la información = Dignity and free development of the personality in children: damage in the field of new information technologies.  0.72 676 514
Harrison, Jennifer, Burns, Kristen y Ongstad, Erica . (2017) Field by any means necessary: Using technology in field education.  0.72 580 206
Velarde D´Amil, Yvette . (2013) La protección jurídica de las personas con discapacidad y las nuevas tecnologías = The legal protection of disabled persons and the new technologies.  0.72 534 176
Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo, Sagrario . (2010) RESEÑA de : Fresno García, Miguel del. Retos para la intervención social con familias en el siglo XXI : consumo, ocio, cultura, tecnología e hijos = Challenges for social intervention with families in the XXI century : consumption, leisure, technology.  0.72 766 314
Pérez Ramos, Luis . (2011) Tecnología lítica del sitio de modo técnico 3 de la desembocadura del río Guadalmesín (Tarifa, Cádiz) y su contextualización histórica en el sur de la Península Ibérica = Mode 3 lithic technology at the mouth of the Guadalmesi River (Tarifa, Cádiz) and its historical context in the South of the Iberian Peninsula.  0.72 593 421
Petrenko, A.(1970) .Allted, All-Technologies system designer. .En: . ()  0.72 549 383
Feldkercher, Nadiane y Saldanha Manara, Alecia . (2012) O uso das tecnologias na educação à distância pelo professor tutor = (Use of technology in distance education for teacher tutor).  0.72 513 731
Rovira, Antonio, Sánchez, Consuelo, Valdés, Manuel, Abbas, Ruben, Barbero, Rubén, Montes, María José, Muñoz, Marta, Muñoz-Antón, Javier, Ortega, Guillermo y Varela, Fernando . (2018) Comparison of Different Technologies for Integrated Solar Combined Cycles: Analysis of Concentrating Technology and Solar Integration.  0.71 49 11
Lázaro Torres, María Luisa de, Miguel González, Rafael de y Morales Yago, Francisco José . (2017) WebGIS and geospatial technologies for landscape education on personalized learning contexts.  0.71 44 14
González-Blanco García, Elena, Manailescu, Mara y Ros, Salvador(2016) .From syllables, lines and stanzas to linked open data: standardization, interoperability and multilingual challenges for digital humanities. .En: Salamanca. ()  0.71 1036 213
Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia, Navío Marco, Julio y Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel . (2020) Environment, tourism and satellite technology: Exploring fruitful interlinkages.  0.71 52 16
Serino, Silvia, Cipresso, Pietro, Gaggioli, Andrea, Pallavicini, Federica, Cipresso, Sergio, Campanaro, Danilo y Riva, Giuseppe . (2014) Smartphone for self-management of psychological stress: a preliminary evaluation of positive technology app.  0.71 1146 712
Cruz García, Jesús Manuel de la, Ruipérez García, Pablo y Aranda Almansa, Joaquín, An Eignstructure Assignment Approach (2). group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe (GARTEUR), 1997 ()  0.68 590 631
Hermitte, M. A., Anvar, S., Bonin, M., Bargues, M., Canselier, G., Desmoulin, S., Langlais, A. y Corti Varela, Justo (2013). Legal Issues, an Overview on Co-Existence Policies: Technological Pluralism, Confidence Economy, Transnational Supply Chains. En Legal Issues, an Overview on Co-Existence Policies: Technological Pluralism, Confidence Economy, Transnational Supply Chains (pp. -) London: Blackwell.  0.68 552 286
Lorente Martínez, Javier, Navío Marco, Julio y Rodrigo Moya, Beatriz . (2022) Are retailers leveraging in-store analytics? An exploratory study.  0.68 53 52
Colmenar-Santos, Antonio, Gómez-Camazón, David, Rosales-Asensio, Enrique y Blanes-Peiró, Jorge-Juan . (2018) Technological improvements in energetic efficiency and sustainability in existing combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plants.  0.68 62 19
Bustamante, P., Legarda, J., Mayordomo, I., Meléndez, J., Reina, E. y Rodríguez, N.(1970) .Prácticas de modelado y configuración de redes telemáticas. .En: . ()  0.64 504 644
Mariño, P., Otero, S., Poza, F. y Domínguez, M.A.(1970) .Automotive fieldbus technology: development tools and electronic equipment for laboratory practices. .En: . ()  0.64 668 737
Fernández García, Carmen María, Hernández García, Jesús and Rodríguez Pérez, Sara . (2014) Género y preferencias profesionales en universitarios de estudios científico-tecnológicos = Gender and vocational preferences in students of scientific–technological higher education areas.  0.64 633 297
Rodríguez Menéndez, María del Carmen, Inda Caro, María de las Mercedes and Vicente Peña Calvo, José . (2014) Rendimiento en la PAU y elección de estudios científico-tecnológicos en razón de género = Achievement the University Entrance Exam and election of scientific-technological degrees by gender.  0.64 563 215
Jurado González, Javier y Gómez Barroso, José Luis . (2022) Economic complexity and Information Society paradigms: a hybrid contribution to explain economic growth.  0.64 58 33

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