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Vega, J., Pereira, A., Portas, A., Dormido Canto, Sebastián, Farias Castro, Gonzalo Alberto, Dormido Canto, Raquel, Sánchez Moreno, José, Duro Carralero, Natividad, Santos, M., Sánchez, E. y Pajares, Gonzalo . (2008) Data mining technique for fast retrieval of similar waveforms in Fusion massive databases.  0.76 812 942
Vega, J., Murari, A., Dormido Canto, Sebastián, Rattá, G. A., Gelfusa, M. y JET Contributors . (2022) Disruption prediction with artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas.  0.76 50 23
Shi, Xingyi, Rodríguez-Hakim, Mariana, Shaqfeh, Eric S. G. y Fuller, Gerald G. . (2021) Instability and symmetry breaking in binary evaporating thin films over a solid spherical dome.  0.76 41 25
Ibáñez Vila, Carolina . (2014) El control jurisdiccional de las cuentas públicas en Europa : el Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo y el Tribunal de Cuentas Español = The ‘judicial’ control of the public accountability in Europe : the European Court of Auditors and the Spanish Court of Auditors.  0.76 607 330
Carrillo Larco, Rodrigo M. y Castillo Cara, Manuel . (2020) Using country-level variables to classify countries according to the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases: An unsupervised machine learning approach.  0.76 46 17
Santana, Juan Manuel . (2009) La matrícula de mar y el banco sahariano.  0.76 655 1159
María Hormigos, Roberto, Jurado Sánchez, Beatriz y Escarpa, Alberto . (2019) Multi-Light-Responsive Quantum Dot Sensitized Hybrid Micromotors with Dual-Mode Propulsion.  0.76 39 23
Montegriffo, P., Bellazzini, M., Angeli, F. De y Sarro Baro, Luis Manuel . (2023) Gaia Data Release 3. The Galaxy in your preferred colours: Synthetic photometry from Gaia low-resolution spectra.  0.76 30 11
Carmona, Enrique J. y Molina Casado, José M. . (2021) Simultaneous segmentation of the optic disc and fovea in retinal images using evolutionary algorithms.  0.76 39 14
Lario, Javier, Spencer, Chris, Bardají, Teresa, Marchante Ortega, Ángel, Garduño-monroy, Victor H., Macias, Jorge y Ortega, Sergio . (2020) An extreme wave event in eastern Yucatan, Mexico: Evidence of a palaeotsunami event during the Mayan times.  0.76 472 116
León, J. A., Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel, Moreno, J. D. y Martín, L. A . (2023) Strong versus weak embodiment: Spatial iconicity in physical, abstract, and social semantic categories.  0.76 45 14
Mesquita, Amir Zacarias, Pinto, Antônio Juscelino and Cândido, Marco Antônio . (2010) Recuperação dos termopares do elemento cobustível instrumentado do reator nuclear Triga IPR-R1.  0.76 443 87
Gómez Navarro, Soledad . (2001) Una práctica singular : herencias de derecho canónico en la España del Antiguo Régimen.  0.76 691 2291
Ortega Santiago, Carlos . (2014) La anulación total o parcial de los actos legislativos comunitarios por el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea = The partial or total invalidity of the European Union acts.  0.76 663 258
Martín García, Rodrigo, López Martín, Carmen y Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel . (2020) Collaborative Learning Communities for Sustainable Employment through Visual Tools.  0.76 92 24
Lovón Melgarejo, Jesús, Castillo Cara, Manuel, Huarcaya Canal, Oscar, Orozco Barbos, Luis y García Varea, Ismael . (2019) Comparative Study of Supervised Learning and Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Development of Bluetooth-Based Indoor Localization Mechanisms.  0.76 53 19
Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M, Guzman Vilca, Wilmer Cristobal, Castillo Cara, Manuel, Alvizuri Gómez, Claudia, Alqahtani, Saleh y Garcia Larsen, Vanessa . (2022) Phenotypes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and all-cause mortality: unsupervised machine learning analysis of NHANES III.  0.76 37 11
Sanz Prat, Victorino, Bergero, Federico y Urquia, Alfonso . (2018) An approach to agent-based modeling with Modelica.  0.76 52 17
Rodríguez Pérez, José Ramón, Acedo, Carmen, Marabel García, Miguel and Alvarez Taboada, María Flor . (2008) Localización mediante SIG de zonas potencialmente truferas en la provincia de León.  0.76 1113 2740
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel, Arguedas Sanz, Raquel y López Martín, Carmen . (2022) The student as a prosumer of educational audio-visual resources: a higher education hybrid learning experience.  0.76 59 13
Sainz, Mario, Martínez, Rocío, Rodríguez-Bailón, Rosa y Moya, Miguel . (2019) Where Does the Money Come From? Humanizing High Socioeconomic Status Groups Undermines Attitudes Toward Redistribution.  0.76 45 16
Valdelvira González, Gregorio . (1998) Las ondas largas de la política en el siglo XX.  0.76 657 1650
Santos Preciado, José Miguel . (1997) El planteamiento teórico multiobjetivo/multicriterio y su aplicación a la resolución de problemas medioambientales y territoriales, mediante los S.I.G. raster.  0.76 1156 3303
Fernández-Olit, Beatriz, Paredes-Gázquez, Juan Diego y Cuesta-González, Marta de la . (2018) Are social and financial exclusion two sides of the same coin? An analysis of the financial integration of vulnerable people.  0.76 66 36
Roura‐Martínez, David, Ucha, Marcos, Orihuel, Javier y et al. . (2019) Central nucleus of the amygdala as a common substrate of the incubation of drug and natural reinforcer seeking.  0.76 38 16
Paniagua González, Gema, Fernández Hernando, Pilar y Durand Alegría, J. S. . (2009) A MIP-based flow-through fluoroimmunosensor as an alternative to immunosensors for the determination of digoxin serum samples.  0.76 43 12
Tajuelo, J., Rubio Álvarez, Miguel Ángel y Pastor, Juan Manuel . (2018) Flow field based data processing for the oscillating conical bob interfacial shear rheometer.  0.76 44 27
Rodríguez Asensio, José Adolfo, Barrera Logares, José Manuel and Aguilar Huergo, Eugenio . (2012) Las cuevas de La Lluera (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, España): elaboración mediante un SIG de una estratigrafía solutrense = La Lluera caves (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain): elaboration by GIS of a solutrean stratigraphy.  0.76 567 204
García-Franco,Jose D., Díez, Francisco J. y Carrasco Ortiz, Miguel Angel . (2022) Probabilistic graphical model for the evaluation of the emotional and dramatic personality disorders.  0.76 54 15
Orlando, Samantha, Gaudioso, Elena y de la Paz López, Félix . (2020) Supporting Teachers to Monitor Student’s Learning Progress in an Educational Environment With Robotics Activities.  0.76 47 15
Sánchez-Puga, Pablo, Tajuelo, Javier, Pastor, Juan Manuel y Rubio Álvarez, Miguel Ángel . (2021) Flow field-based data analysis in interfacial shear rheometry.  0.76 41 14
Rodríguez Asensio, José Adolfo, Barrera Logares, José Manuel and Aguilar Huergo, Eugenio . (2012) Cueva de La Lluera I (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, España): Estratigrafía Solutrense = La Lluera I cave (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain): Solutrean stratigraphy.  0.76 521 199
Román López, María Teresa . (1996) Sexualidad mágica y sagrada en la India Antigua : el tantrismo.  0.76 3454 62707
Escámez de Vera, Diego . (2012) Tito Flavio Vespasiano y Júpiter Óptimo Máximo : la justificación propagandísticoreligiosa de una nueva dinastía imperial en Roma.  0.76 839 1942
Sanchez Moral, S., Cañaveras, J.C., Lario, Javier, Cuezva, S. y Soler, V. . (2004) Estudio hidrogeoquímico del sistema kárstico de la Cueva de Tito Bustillo (Ribadesella, Asturias).  0.76 231 169
Rejón, Carlos, Martin, Sergio y Robles-Gómez, Antonio . (2024) Easy Development of Industry 4.0 Remote Labs.  0.76 51 15
Maria-Hormigos, Roberto, Pacheco, Marta, Jurado-Sánchez, Beatriz y Escarpa, Alberto . (2018) Carbon nanotubes-ferrite-manganese dioxide micromotors for advanced oxidation processes in water treatment.  0.76 47 23
Sulkowski, Jaroslaw and Chmielarz-Grochal, Anna . (2014) Control de la constitucionalidad del derecho secundario de la Unión Europea en los países del «grupo Visegrad» = The constitutionality of the EU secondary law in the Visegrad Group’s countries.  0.76 624 259
García Bueno, Ana, Adroher Auroux, Andrés María, López Pertíñez, María del Carmen and Medina Flórez, Víctor J. . (2000) Estudio de materiales y técnica de ejecución de los restos de pintura mural romana hallados en una excavación arqueológica de Guadix (Granada).  0.76 819 4086
Olivas Osuna, José Javier y Rama, José . (2022) Recalibrating populism measurement tools: methodological inconsistencies and challenges to our understanding of the relationship between the supply- and demand-side of populism..  0.76 199 84
Monago Maraña, Olga, Galeano-Díaz, Teresa y Muñoz de la Peña, Arsenio . (2016) Chemometric Discrimination Between Smoked and Non-Smoked Paprika Samples. Quantification of PAHs in Smoked Paprika by Fluorescence-U-PLS/RBL.  0.76 46 15
Ayala, Luis, Navarro, Carolina y Sastre, Mercedes . (2011) Cross-country income mobility comparisons under panel attrition: the relevance of weighting schemes.  0.76 47 21
Mula, Begoña, Fernández, Eva M., Alvarellos, José E., Fernández, Julio J., García-Aldea, David, Santalla, Silvia N. y Rodríguez-Laguna, Javier . (2023) Ergotropy and entanglement in critical spin chains.  0.76 35 16
Rodríguez Sánchez, Ángel, Moreno-Bella, Eva y García Sánchez, Efrain . (2023) Mapping gender stereotypes: a network analysis approach.  0.76 70 36
Domingo, Rosario, Agustina, Beatriz de y Marín, Marta M. . (2020) Study of Drilling Process by Cooling Compressed Air in Reinforced Polyether-Ether-Ketone.  0.76 44 17
Colmenar-Santos, Antonio, Muñoz-Gómez, Antonio-Miguel, Rosales-Asensio, Enrique y López-Rey, África . (2019) Electric vehicle charging strategy to support renewable energy sources in Europe 2050 low-carbon scenario.  0.76 57 39
Osorio-Arjona, Joaquín y García Palomares, Juan Carlos . (2019) Social media and urban mobility: Using twitter to calculate home-work travel matrices.  0.76 53 22
Sánchez-Puga, Pablo, Tajuelo, Javier, Pastor, Juan Manuel y Rubio Álvarez, Miguel Ángel . (2019) BiconeDrag—A data processing application for the oscillating conical bob interfacial shear rheometer.  0.76 47 23
García Entero, Virginia . (1997) El conjunto termal de la llamada Villa del Camino Viejo de las Sepulturas (Balazote, Albacete).  0.76 585 1735
Bayarri, Vicente, Castillo, Elena, Ripoll, Sergio y Sebastián, Miguel A. . (2022) Control of Laser Scanner Trilateration Networks for Accurate Georeferencing of Caves: Application to El Castillo Cave (Spain).  0.76 43 77

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